Anyway, keeping up with the injuries, word of Boss and Allen's hospitalization came on the heels (no pun intended) of news that SYTYCD jidge Mary Murphy suffered a “first-degree” ankle sprain (honestly, I don’t know what a “first-degree” means in this context, but I’m just telling it as I’m being told…). It happened Sunday at the taping of the Teen Choice Awards in L.A., when “she tripped down a short stair a few inches from the Jonas Brothers (insert screaming teenagers here!!!!!) as they were walking in front of the stage at the Gibson Amphitheater,” the source explains. “She was treated by medics (appropriate wording for SYTYCD, I must say…), her ankle was wrapped, and she was wheeled out in a wheelchair as the show was ending.”
But don’t worry. Everybody is feeling fine, and the show was taped last night (Monday August 4) as usual. Twitch was there, Joshua was there, as well as

Ok, let me tell you about who will be dancing what with whom by who. Really, if you don’t like spoilers, please do not keep on reading!
Mandy Moore is the guest jidge. Cat is wearing a dark gold, Herve Leger-esque dress and black gladiator heels (I can’t wait to see this one!). Mary is in a dress that can only be described as a spider-web.
Twitch and Courtney had Hip Hop by Napoleon and Tabitha. It was not a lyrical Hip Hop but more of a hard-hitting Hip Hop (although people say that it wasn’t as hard-hitting or as exciting as Mark/Comfort’s). The story was about a jealous girlfriend seeing her guy in a club, and giving him a

Josh and Katee had a lyrical by Wade Robson (yayyy!!!) to John Mayer (yayyyyy!). People who saw it says that it was a very emotive piece. Wade said it was about how love is “hard work.” They were a couple going through making up after a big fight. They say it was very beautiful, and they filmed it with just one shot with one steady cam and one single light in a continuous, round shot. It should look cool on TV. There was a lot of floor work and partner work, including this memorable bit where Josh kisses Katee's

Next they taped Courtney and Katee’s Broadway by Tyce. They say it was done to The Trolley Song from “Meet Me in St. Louis,” but it was an instrumental only version. My sources say that it was kind of a waste to have this routine for these two contemporary dancers. They say it wasn’t very exciting. Anyway, they danced with white lace parasols. The story behind it was that they had to hurry to catch this trolley. Their costumes were pretty bad. A viewer described them as “lots of roses and wickety wack, like a cross between a shepherdess and a flamenco dancer.” They both wore the same costume, in different colors: Katee in pink & Courtney in yellow. They were supposed to evoke period costumes (“Meet Me in St. Louis” is that movie with Judy Garland that was part of a side plot in the Sex and The City movie… just if you were wondering…) but it was like only the upper half of the dress…
Josh and Twitch had Russian Character Dance –people were talking about “R

Twitch & Katee had a foxtrot by Tony & Melanie to “Feeling Good” by Michael Bublé. He was in a tuxedo and she was in a light blue dress with lots of fringes. They say it was pretty good. Twitch's technique seems to have improved; his frame and posture were better than in the past. He also did some heavy lifting, including a full press over the shoulder in the middle of one lift that the jidges went crazy for. The jidges loved it for the most part. Mary told Katee that she could walk into the US Ballroom Championships in September because she is so good.
The last partner dance was Josh & Courtney's jive by Jason (Glikman?). People say this was very weird, especially because they were not even in ballroom shoes! They were wearing sneakers (Courtney wore some sort of boot-sneaker). Josh was in jeans, a white shirt and a burgundy leather jacket. There were lots of footwork problems and the lines were a little off. They had some really cool lifts at the end, however. However, Nigel pretty much paned the number by saying that the technique wasn't really there. Mandy (yes, she was the guest judge) said they lost energy, which surprised her. Mary went on and on about how difficult it was. They then filmed Mia's Top 4 group routine (for Thursday, I think) and apparently it was a little weird. It has been described as a Scottish-inspired number. The dancers were wearing kilts, guys were shirtless (insert teenagers-and Mary!-screaming here!!!!), girls have contrasting tartan vests and kilts. Mia said that the dance was celebratory of their time on the show. The song was an instrumental, with lots of bagpipes. They had some good lifts, and emotion as it comes with a Mia routine. It was VERY athletic and quirky, lot of isolations and jerking and rebounding, as well as lots of jumps and partner work. There was this one lift that the judges commented on where the girls were in a kind of handstand on the guys shoulders and Katee (w/ Josh) was more vertical and Courtney (w/ Twitch) was more horizontal and the guys were running across the stage. The judges said that Katee did better, got more height in the lift, but my sources who were at the taping say that it looked like if it had been choreographed that way! I guess we have to pay attention to this on Wednesday, but probably we’ll never know… Mia didn’t say anything after the judges’ critique….
2. Twitch: Apparently very good. No “T” shirt, but a “T” shirt used as a rag. Lots of popping and hand movements; more than we’ve seen from him before. Great musicality and sense of humor. Apparently, he got another standing O.
3. Katee: Solo to Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap, a quintessentially Katee solo. She wore this patterned silk handkerchief dress. If you usually like them, you'll probably like this one.
4. Josh: Sources say he was AWESOME!! He started off on the stage, then ran off the stage and jumped onto the judge's platform and started dancing. Lots of playing to the audience and to the judges; he did several sections of booty shaking and ended in a split. He got a standing O after it.
For the finale (Thursday) they also taped the dance with dancers from past seasons. The following dancers are reported to be in it: Thayne, Jaime, Ivan (insert teenagers screaming here!!!!!), Benji (more screaming!!!!), Melody, Lauren, Dominic, Hok (even more screaming!!!!!!!!!!), Chelsie, Kourtni, Gev, Dmitry, and Comfort (of course, we couldn’t live without her!!!!!!).
In the afternoon, they also taped Nigel doing a tap number with the Debbie Allen Dancers. Nigel certainly comes with satisfaction guaranteed! You guys wanted tap, Nigel gives you tap!!! The tap routine was to Boogie Wonderland mix with some other songs. Started with a group of little dancers, and then Nigel comes in and does a sort of battle type thing with them. They all waddle off like penguins….
Source: idolfoums.com