Judges are Lil’ C (fun!), Nigel and Mary. Two group dances by Sonya (both of them!), solos, and 2 dances per couple.
Men's group dance by Sonya - Willy Wonka theme - Well danced but not special (all were decent but Ade less so, according to my source).
Samba for Ade and Jeanine - Lady Gaga’s music - Jeanine got rave reviews (Nigel was slightly gross), Ade not as much. Mary really picked apart this samba and didn't like Ade, but then after their hip hop (see below) Mary said she was so busy thinking of all the technical stuff in the samba that she forgot to say how AHMAZING Jeanine was in it, because she is ahmazing.
Broadway for Melissa and Evan - wedding theme - Tailor made for Evan. Source and judges liked it okay (source preferred Melissa).
Contemporary for Brandon and Kayla - Stacey Tookey (Canada) - Abused woman theme; she wants to end the relationship (another battered woman contemporary) - Judges liked it. Mostly Kayla was highlighted and did well. Source said one of the best three performances of the night.
Hip-Hop for Ade and Jeanine - Eviction theme – NappyTabs. Super literal it was about a couple being evicted and moving out boxes from their home (actual boxes). Awesome routine. Ade proved himself here (for my source). Rave reviews. Lil’ C loved the dirtiness. One of the best of the night.
Quickstep for Melissa and Evan - Started strong and lost some of it in the middle. Melissa was better in expression but couldn't hold form. Only Lil’ C really liked it.
Disco for Brandon and Kayla - Awesome routine. Really difficult and energetic. At one point they looked exhausted but got it together. Rave reviews. Probably best of the night according to my source. Brandon and Kayla definitely stand-out couple of the night. The audience did not stop cheering over because it was pretty cool.
Women’s group dance by Sonya - Superhero inspired - Jeanine was Wonder Woman and they all had cute belts with the first letter of their names - Nothing special (according to my source) and all were good.
Solos: Boring except for Kayla’s and Brandon’s. Kayla was great and Brandon got a standing O from Nigel and Mary (and deserved it according to my source). Brandon was practically naked and it was like epic (I wonder if he did some well-known ballet variation and the source did not recognize it? Acteon maybe? Has to see it tonight…) and Nigel said it was one of the best solos on the show ever.
Judges, according to source: Nigel was perverted to Jeanine throughout most of the night. Lil' C is cool but overdid the vocabulary thing again… Source did not mention Mary. Probably same scream, same old.
Interesting last note from the source at the live recording: This audience got to record the tour introduction that Cat does for tour so you'll hear us wooo--ing and '5! 4!3!2!1!welcometosytycdwooooooo!'at every tour stop this season
Nigel also recorded his Top 5 highlights from auditions for season 5 for the tour. #1 is Nathan Trasoras, and then there’s adam shankman dancing, sex vs. leo, ryan kasprzak, and someone else I forget…
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
SYTYCD Season 5 Top 6 Spoiler
Louis van Amstel to choreograph
Kayla and Brandon - Contemporary (Stacey Tookey) & Disco (Doriana Sanchez)
Jeanine and Ade - Hip Hop (Nappy Tabs) & Rumba
Melissa and Evan - Broadway (Tyce) & Quickstep
Good! I think that's going to secure a spot in the finals for Jeanine! And I hope Brandon can shine on the Contemporary piece. I would hate for Brandon to lose over Evan. That would be ridiculous. But, I'm worried about the Disco...
Louis van Amstel to choreograph
Kayla and Brandon - Contemporary (Stacey Tookey) & Disco (Doriana Sanchez)
Jeanine and Ade - Hip Hop (Nappy Tabs) & Rumba
Melissa and Evan - Broadway (Tyce) & Quickstep
Good! I think that's going to secure a spot in the finals for Jeanine! And I hope Brandon can shine on the Contemporary piece. I would hate for Brandon to lose over Evan. That would be ridiculous. But, I'm worried about the Disco...
Monday, July 20, 2009
Spoiler Alert Top 8: Here’s your SYTYCD Spoiler for tonight Wednesday July 22, 2009.

Alright here you go. Here’s your So You Think You Can Dance Spoiler for the Top 8 Episode. Sorry to be so late today. I had too much work this morning and didn't have a chance to compile all these until now. Sorry, it's a bit sloppy.
Wow... The first thing everybody’s talking about is the contemporary piece by Tyce. Apparently there was not a dry eye in the house after this piece. It hit home for Ellen. The Melissa/Ade contemporary by Tyce was to Woman’s Work and it was about breast cancer. Realllllly emotional! Mia really broke down, especially since her dad’s battle with cancer. Mary was crying, Nigel was teary and said that it better get an Emmy nom next year.Trav's group routine was futuristic, to "Let it Rock". Nigel said no one stood out but that they were all really good. They loved Travis again, and Mia praised it but called it a bit “competition” and also called it a fun contemporary number. It’s interesting that they're judging the group routines now.
Okey, the order of the show most likely is:
Group Routine (Travis)
Janette and Evan – Jazz by Sonya: The judges again loved Janette. One of them said Evan could never be the creepy character that Sonya's piece required because of his face.
Brandon and Jeanine – Waltz by Hunter Johnson: The judges thought that it was the slowest piece of waltz choreography that the show has had and that it seemed really hard to perform. Nigel said that the music put him to sleep. They said that they were fine in it but that they expected better as far as lines go, cause they are contemporary dancers. Mia expected them to use their lines more and breathe more, cause she expected more because of their background and training. They basically thought they weren't too great, but it had to do with the fact that the choreography was difficult.
Melissa and Ade - Cha Cha by Tony & Melanie: Apparently most people hated it and the judges didn't think it was great either.
Jason and Kayla – Broadway by Tyce: According to our sources, one of the best Broadways as far as choreography goes. The judges also really liked it. Mia said that Jason needs to work on his upper body (I agree!) and Kayla could go on Broadway. She asked her if she acts and sings because she should. Nigel said that Jason had wonderful feet and that he reminded him of Gene Kelly in parts of it.
Janette and Evan – Rumba by Tony & Melanie (to Falling Slowly by Kris Allen): They all loved Janette but Nigel was tough on Evan the whole night. Ellen was saying that she loves Evan cause he is different, and people in this city all look the same. Mia also said she liked Evan and stuck up for him.
Brandon and Jeanine - Pop Jazz by Laurie Ann: The crowd went wild and the judges loved it. It was to Battlefield. Mia was worried about them but she said that tonight they did it how Laurie would. She was saying how everything Laurie Ann does comes from the soul, so she expected them to dance like that, and the routine was amazing. She called Brandon a powerhouse and said Jeanine was good for sticking with it. During the rehearsal, Jeanine was tearing up because Laurie Ann was very tough.
Melisaa and Ade – Contemporary by Tyce: See our note about it above, with all the crying etc., etc.
Jason and Kayla - Hip Hop by Shane: Nigel said it was the best from Shane and one of the best hip hops this season cause he's been disappointed from hip hop this season. Mia also liked it and thought Jason did well. Jason was a Zombie and she was his "mistress". He ends up killing her in the end (!!). Mia complimented Jason saying that she was glad that he was down and into it, and that it was better than his last hip hop.
Brandon performed to "Ain’t nothing wrong with that".
Jeanine used "Let the Drummer Kick".
Evan did his usual Broadway solo and dropped his hat but made a clean recovery.
Ade's solo was a lot like the "window sweeper" one.
Jason was back to his normal style.
Janette did Ballroom-Contemporary fusion for hers and it was very good.
Kayla's solo was more controlled and slower.
Melissa's solo was dumb (?) (according to my source) and freaky styled.
For the record, Tyce has a very close friend who is Stage 3 breast cancer. His contemporary dance was for her and her husband, and it was not to tug at the heartstrings but to do something special for his friend. Ellen's mother is a breast cancer survivor and Tyce didn't know this when he choreographed it.
Random: Mary called Nigel an English Muffin more than once. More random: Mia loves Janette and she is her favorite girl on the show. She told Jason to fix his hunched shoulders (repeat, I agree). Mia also said that she loves Janette because she puts everything into her dancing. Mia really likes Ade as well. After his solo she applauded with much enthusiasm. Ellen was not serious about all of her critiques, but she did not crack a joke after the contemporary by Tyce, she just said that it was wonderful to have witnessed it.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Spoiler Alert: SYTYCD Season 5 Top Ten Dances, etc. Here’s your spoiler from the live audience for Wed. July 15, 2009.
Performance Order
Top 5 Girls - Bollywood by Nakul: The judges loved it, they used a water gourd as a prop, lots of sassy moves and beautiful multi-colored two piece costumes.
Kayla/Evan - Viennese Waltz
Brandon solo
Janette/Ade - Hip Hop
Randi solo
Kupono solo
Jeanine/Jason - Contemporary
Melissa solo
Evan solo
Kayla solo (to Rock Your Soul): People say that she looked very pretty and that it was her best solo so far.
Randi/Kupono - Paso Doble
Ade solo
Jeanine solo (to El Tango De Roxanne from the Moulin Rouge Soundtrack)
Jason solo
Melissa/Brandon - Broadway
Janette solo
Top 5 Guys - African by Jeff Paige: In traditional garb w/no shirts. The judges loved it. The dance was very energetic (although Nigel made a remark about how their energy wasn’t high enough. According to an audience member: “Evan hung in there, but looked pretty goofy during this number, I thought.”
Guest judge: Debbie Allen
Cat is wearing an emerald green Herve Leger-esque dress w/black detailing.
Top Five Couples’ Pieces:
Kayla and Evan – Viennese Waltz to Seal's 'Kiss From A Rose': Kayla is barefoot (another barefoot waltz!) and Evan is in some serious Latin heels (must have been scary for Kayla’s little feet…). The judges loved Kayla and said that Evan is clunky but strong in the lifts. Evan/Kayla's whole video package was pretty much about the height difference and there was even a bit where they traded shoes (Evan danced in Kayla's high heels and she danced in his flats.) When they were being critiqued, Nigel's first comment was, "I'm confused. You look like you're the same height!" and Evan revealed that he was wearing heels. Nigel made a comment about how he didn't think it was a Viennese waltz, and that it seemed more like a regular waltz, but praised their dancing. Debbie said how Evan was like Gene Kelly.
Kayla and Evan – Viennese Waltz to Seal's 'Kiss From A Rose': Kayla is barefoot (another barefoot waltz!) and Evan is in some serious Latin heels (must have been scary for Kayla’s little feet…). The judges loved Kayla and said that Evan is clunky but strong in the lifts. Evan/Kayla's whole video package was pretty much about the height difference and there was even a bit where they traded shoes (Evan danced in Kayla's high heels and she danced in his flats.) When they were being critiqued, Nigel's first comment was, "I'm confused. You look like you're the same height!" and Evan revealed that he was wearing heels. Nigel made a comment about how he didn't think it was a Viennese waltz, and that it seemed more like a regular waltz, but praised their dancing. Debbie said how Evan was like Gene Kelly.
Janette and Ade – Hip Hop by NappyTabs. They want to keep the song a secret, but gave this hint through their Twitter: “By popular request, the song is <3>There was discussion about how they were the SHORTEST girl and TALLEST guy in the competition. Their package was mostly about how Janette does actually feel like she may not have "the funk," and the judges said how she found it, and that Ade was fantastic.
Jeanine and Jason - Contemporary by Travis to Jason Mraz 'If It Kills Me': This performance was universally praised and adored. Both the judges AND the audience gave them a standing O. Mary actually seemed to get choked up when she was talking about how Travis was on the show and then choreographed that routine. IIRC, nothing derogatory was said about their previous partners, they just said how it was a great number and they both were great in it. They did say that Jeanine has been great all along, but they gave Jason equal props. It was definitely the most praised number from the judges. I'd say Jason really established himself here. Debbie Allen called it the dance of the season. Apparently, however, this piece was very sexual: "There was some naughty hand placements and some floor grinding going on."... So much, that insiders are saying that FOX might edit some parts out. Travis was very, very happy about his piece and with “his couple.” Both Jeanine and Jason were raved, as well as Travis for his choreography.

Randi and Kupono - Paso Doble by Tony and Melanie: Universally panned. Randi in a brown long wig, lots of lifts and sexy posturing. A real clunker according to the audience at the taping. The judges were VERY hard on them. A BIT harder on Kupono than Randi, but they also said that she was not good.
Melissa and Brandon - Broadway by Tyce Diorio to ‘Age of Aquarius’: The judges loved it. Was a mix of Melissa's ballet technique and Brandon's athleticism. It was a strong number for them.
Melissa and Brandon - Broadway by Tyce Diorio to ‘Age of Aquarius’: The judges loved it. Was a mix of Melissa's ballet technique and Brandon's athleticism. It was a strong number for them.
The judges generally said that there were no standouts during either of the group performances, and that everyone was great. The Bollywood number was probably stronger, but it also came at the beginning of the show.
About the solos, one of my sources twitted the following: “Solos that stand out in a good way- Ade, Jeanine, and Evan. Solos that stand out in a bad way- Jason, Randi, Kupono.” No surprises here, I must say, except Randi, which I think could do a good job on a solo. The judges did not critique the solos
Monday, July 13, 2009
Spoiler Alert!: Top Ten Couples Pairings - SYTYCD Season 5 - Travis Wall Choreographs for Jeanine and Jason

Here you go. The new couples:
Jeanine and Jason - Contemporary (Travis Wall - Cool!).
Kayla and Evan - Waltz.
Janette and Ade - Hip Hop (Nappy Tabs).
Melissa and Brandon - Broadway (Tyce Diorio)
Randi and Kupono - Paso Doble
Five couples' dances and Two group numbers: African for the boys and Bollywood for the girls.
More details probably tomorrow after the taping.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Latest SYTYCD Spoiler - Top 12 - Season 5 - The whole July 8 Episode is already here!!!
Okay, here is the Top 12 performances spoiler for the Wed. July 8 SYTYCD show, transcribed from people who were at the live show yesterday (Tues. July 7). Each couple performed twice. Third judge was Tyce, and Cat was wearing a sleeveless navy blue dress and had her hair really short and permed-ish.
Notable people in the audience: Travis.
Here are the pairings and the dances - in the order that they danced.
1. Melissa and Ade - Disco (Doriana), Waltz (Ron Montez)
2. Kayla and Kupono - Contemporary (Mia), Broadway (Dowling)
3. Caitlin and Jason - Foxtrot (Meredith), Jazz (Mandy Moore)
4. Jeanine and Philip - Russian Folk Dance (???), Jive (Meredith)
5. Randi and Evan - Hip Hop (Napoleon/Tabitha), Samba (Pasha and Anya!)
6. Janette and Brandon - Argentine Tango (???), Pop Jazz (Wade)
Some people hate the combined names thing, some people love them. They amuse me. Here are the “official”: Melade, Kaypono, Caison, Philline, Evandi, Brandette
Some people hate the combined names thing, some people love them. They amuse me. Here are the “official”: Melade, Kaypono, Caison, Philline, Evandi, Brandette
Melissa & Ade - Disco (Doriana)
Typical Doriana disco... forgettable, boring, etc. (according to my source). They brought a lot of energy, and the judges called it a “fantastic opening to the show.” The audience kind of found it blah.
Kayla & Kupono - Contemporary (Mia)
The idea was that Kayla was an addict trying to break free from her addiction, which was Kupono. It was a personal piece for Kupono (??), because one of his friends battled a drug addiction. He was dressed in all black and had lots of dark make-up on, and she was completely makeup-less. The audience loved this piece (so I guess will have to endure more Kupono and Kayla for the rest of the season). A lot of the audience was tearing up. There was one moment when Kupono comes up behind Kayla and just stares into the camera with this evil smirk that made chills go down my spine. The judges loved it and said Kayla can dance anything, and that Kupono could fine-tune some things but when he gets into character he's really good.
Caitlin & Jason - Foxtrot (Tony Meredith)
They really wanted to make it great, not just good. Caitlin had a really pretty glittery green dress on. The judges liked it, but they weren't absolutely crazy about it. My source thought it was pretty good, but not particularly memorable.
Evan & Randi - Hip Hop (Nappytabs)
The idea was that Evan and Randi were a couple who just found out Randi was pregnant. My source thought that it was adorable -- Evan was dressed in a collared shirt and an argyle vest and Randi had a yellow top on. The song was "Halo." They were pretty in sync, though there were some tricks and lifts that they struggled through. The audience really enjoyed it. The judges said Nappytabs did a good job of creating a hip-hop routine that would suit Evan and Randi's personalities.
Phillip & Jeanine - Russian Folk Dance (?)
Okay, this was incredibly weird. They were dressed very folksie, and... idk. They danced it well and tried, but it was just too strange. I don't think it will come off well with the audience. The judges hated it, basically, even though they commended Phillip and Jeanine for trying. Nigel hinted that he thought it was the choreographer's fault and that they shouldn't have included that style of dance. (So--and I’m inserting my own comment here--Nigel picks this genre to be featured and then critics “who?” for including it? Sick).
Brandon & Janette - Argentine Tango (One of my sources’ pretty sure it was Jean-Marc & France but another says it’s a new choreographer)
According to my source, this performance was FLAWLESS. Very sexy, with lots of subtle footwork and crazy lifts. Brandon and Janette tackled every one of them without a single mistake. The judges went crazy over this one. All of them gave standing ovations. They said Brandon finally got into the dance and stopped looking at the audience, and Janette was just incredible.
For the second half of the show, they had the contestants talk about what they'd miss the most about their partner, since they're switching next week.
Melissa & Ade - Waltz (Ron Montez)
Melissa teared up when she talked about how she'd miss Ade. Ade said he'd miss getting to know Melissa. The performance was very pretty. Melissa wore a gorgeous flowy white dress and Ade looked very handsome. According to my source, they did great. The audience really enjoyed it. The song was "Natural Woman." The judges kind of liked it, but they mentioned something about how Ade needs to get into the performance when he's dancing to a song like "Natural Woman." Ohkay??
Kayla & Kupono - Broadway (Joey Dowling)
My sources did not remember what Kayla said she'd miss the most about Kupono, but Kupono said he'd miss her sweaty hands/feet, lol. This was a cutesy 40s/50s-ish Broadway. The song was a well-known one but my sources didn’t remember it, sorry. Kayla wore an adorable flowery, pink dress and Kupono was all dressed up, complete with suspenders. The concept was two people meeting on a rooftop and falling in love. They danced it very well, but the judges didn't really like it. Nigel went on and on about how he grew up in that era and when two people met there was this uncertainty that they'd be bombed the next day (???) so they didn't want to get too involved or something (Okay, kind of a weird comment). He said Kayla and Kupono didn't capture that spirit. The rest of the judges agreed -- they said Kayla and Kupono were just dancing on the surface and it wasn't professional enough.
Caitlin & Jason - Lyrical Jazz (Mandy Moore)
Caitlin said she'd miss Jason's hugs. Jason said he'd miss her quirkiness and jokes. This performance had a very earthy feel to it, kind of like Tyce's jazz meets the piece Mandy choreographed for Courtney and Gev last season. Jason was shirtless. Mandy said in the beginning that it would have everything in it -- musicality, lifts, footwork, etc. The audience really liked this choreography. There were some really cool lifts in there. However, according to my sources Caitlin and Jason didn't nail the performance. They did everything correctly, but there was definitely something missing, because the piece had the potential to be a showstopper but it wasn't. Nigel said they didn't have enough chemistry. Mary disagreed, but she wasn't crazy about it (she said America loves Jason's face, though). Tyce said this is SYTYCD so they need to have everything, and they didn't.
Evan & Randi - Samba (Pasha & Anya)
Randi said she'd miss the look Evan gives her when he has to pretend he wants her, and Evan said he'd miss Randi's outgoing personality. They were both decked out in matching leopard-patterned outfits (Nigel said it looked like they cut up one of Mary's dresses and fashioned the outfits out of the remaining fabric). Randi was embarrassed about trying to be sexy. The performance was kind of meh for the audience. They both definitely tried, but it wasn't as hot as it should have been. The judges didn't like it. They said Randi was amazing, but they were really harsh on Evan. I don't remember what exactly they said (something about him not hitting things hard enough and putting too much jazz into the turns). The audience felt bad for him.
Phillip & Jeanine - Jive (Meredith)
My sources couldn’t remember what they said they'd miss about each other, sorry. But OMG they loved this! Jeanine was wearing a sparkly bra top, and she looked HOT. The song was "Stuff Like That There." The concept was Phillip is a sailor who comes home expecting his girlfriend to throw herself at him, but his girlfriend wants to make him appreciate her first. There was a lot of ass grabbing and Jeanine's boobs in Phillip's face. The judges adored it. They all agreed that Phillip surprised them and we shouldn't count him out yet, and that Jeanine is one of their favorite dancers.
Brandon & Janette - Jazz (Wade Robson)
Brandon said he'd miss Janette's spiciness and mentioned that she brought him out of his shell. My sources couldn’t remember what Janette said she'd miss about Brandon. This piece had a hard-hitting, hip-hoppy feel to it. The concept was two thieves trying to steal jewels. Janette was the impulsive one and Brandon was the calculating one, which they said suited their personalities. They started on the balcony wearing shades and moved their way down to the stage. The audience really liked this number... one of Wade's more understandable pieces. The judges loved it and said Brandon and Janette are by far the best couple and they'll be shocked if they don't receive the most votes.
Ok, that's all for now folks. We invite you to read our full blog tonight after the airing, http://www.thedancefiles.com/. Follow us on twitter: twitter.com/ttitude
Monday, July 6, 2009
SYTYCD Season 5 Spoilers: So You Think You Can Dance Monday/Tuesday Night Spoilers -- Top 12 Spoilers
Everbody has two dances this week, Wade Robson is set to choreograph a jazz, Mia Michaels a Contemporary. Joey Dowling back for another broadway.
Brandon/Jeanette - Tango & Jazz by Wade.
Kupono/Kayla - Mia Michael's Contemporary to Gravity by Sara Barellis (out of a hat? really?) & a Broadway by Dowling. Sorry, but I have to say that the show producers seem to be doing everything to keep these two in the top Ten....
Phillip/Jeanine - Russian Folk Dance (Another Nutcracker?? No, please!!!!) & Jive (SCREWED??)
Evan/Randi - ? & ?
Jason/Cailtin - ? & ?
Ade/Melissa - A lyrical hip-hop piece to Beyonce's Halo. Melissa is a ballerina princess, and Ade is the knight in shining armor that lifts her around... a lot... In fact, it looks like all their other routines... but slightly harder hitting.
The ??? we will likely have more about tomorrow!!!
Travis Wall just tweeted that he is heading to CBS to film the Emmy-winning Bench piece with Heidi Groskreutz and Wade's Ramalama group dance!
Jaimie Goodwin is also speculating to be taping the Hummingbird Wade piece with Hok Konishi!Also performing with Katie Holmes on the special episode will be Mark Kanemura and Joshua Allen.
Great!! We would love to see more of Mark!!!
I've also gotten word that Ivan Koumaev and Allison Holker will be appearing on the show, most likely performing in Ramalama. In my opinion, it's going to be SO INTERESTING to see the dancers such as Travis, Ivan, and Allison perform their pieces after three years of being on the show. Talk about a wispy whiplash of nostalgia! More information as it comes in!
Everbody has two dances this week, Wade Robson is set to choreograph a jazz, Mia Michaels a Contemporary. Joey Dowling back for another broadway.
Brandon/Jeanette - Tango & Jazz by Wade.
Kupono/Kayla - Mia Michael's Contemporary to Gravity by Sara Barellis (out of a hat? really?) & a Broadway by Dowling. Sorry, but I have to say that the show producers seem to be doing everything to keep these two in the top Ten....
Phillip/Jeanine - Russian Folk Dance (Another Nutcracker?? No, please!!!!) & Jive (SCREWED??)
Evan/Randi - ? & ?
Jason/Cailtin - ? & ?
Ade/Melissa - A lyrical hip-hop piece to Beyonce's Halo. Melissa is a ballerina princess, and Ade is the knight in shining armor that lifts her around... a lot... In fact, it looks like all their other routines... but slightly harder hitting.
The ??? we will likely have more about tomorrow!!!
Travis Wall just tweeted that he is heading to CBS to film the Emmy-winning Bench piece with Heidi Groskreutz and Wade's Ramalama group dance!
Jaimie Goodwin is also speculating to be taping the Hummingbird Wade piece with Hok Konishi!Also performing with Katie Holmes on the special episode will be Mark Kanemura and Joshua Allen.
Great!! We would love to see more of Mark!!!
I've also gotten word that Ivan Koumaev and Allison Holker will be appearing on the show, most likely performing in Ramalama. In my opinion, it's going to be SO INTERESTING to see the dancers such as Travis, Ivan, and Allison perform their pieces after three years of being on the show. Talk about a wispy whiplash of nostalgia! More information as it comes in!
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