Alright here you go. Here’s your So You Think You Can Dance Spoiler for the Top 8 Episode. Sorry to be so late today. I had too much work this morning and didn't have a chance to compile all these until now. Sorry, it's a bit sloppy.
Wow... The first thing everybody’s talking about is the contemporary piece by Tyce. Apparently there was not a dry eye in the house after this piece. It hit home for Ellen. The Melissa/Ade contemporary by Tyce was to Woman’s Work and it was about breast cancer. Realllllly emotional! Mia really broke down, especially since her dad’s battle with cancer. Mary was crying, Nigel was teary and said that it better get an Emmy nom next year.Trav's group routine was futuristic, to "Let it Rock". Nigel said no one stood out but that they were all really good. They loved Travis again, and Mia praised it but called it a bit “competition” and also called it a fun contemporary number. It’s interesting that they're judging the group routines now.
Okey, the order of the show most likely is:
Group Routine (Travis)
Janette and Evan – Jazz by Sonya: The judges again loved Janette. One of them said Evan could never be the creepy character that Sonya's piece required because of his face.
Brandon and Jeanine – Waltz by Hunter Johnson: The judges thought that it was the slowest piece of waltz choreography that the show has had and that it seemed really hard to perform. Nigel said that the music put him to sleep. They said that they were fine in it but that they expected better as far as lines go, cause they are contemporary dancers. Mia expected them to use their lines more and breathe more, cause she expected more because of their background and training. They basically thought they weren't too great, but it had to do with the fact that the choreography was difficult.
Melissa and Ade - Cha Cha by Tony & Melanie: Apparently most people hated it and the judges didn't think it was great either.
Jason and Kayla – Broadway by Tyce: According to our sources, one of the best Broadways as far as choreography goes. The judges also really liked it. Mia said that Jason needs to work on his upper body (I agree!) and Kayla could go on Broadway. She asked her if she acts and sings because she should. Nigel said that Jason had wonderful feet and that he reminded him of Gene Kelly in parts of it.
Janette and Evan – Rumba by Tony & Melanie (to Falling Slowly by Kris Allen): They all loved Janette but Nigel was tough on Evan the whole night. Ellen was saying that she loves Evan cause he is different, and people in this city all look the same. Mia also said she liked Evan and stuck up for him.
Brandon and Jeanine - Pop Jazz by Laurie Ann: The crowd went wild and the judges loved it. It was to Battlefield. Mia was worried about them but she said that tonight they did it how Laurie would. She was saying how everything Laurie Ann does comes from the soul, so she expected them to dance like that, and the routine was amazing. She called Brandon a powerhouse and said Jeanine was good for sticking with it. During the rehearsal, Jeanine was tearing up because Laurie Ann was very tough.
Melisaa and Ade – Contemporary by Tyce: See our note about it above, with all the crying etc., etc.
Jason and Kayla - Hip Hop by Shane: Nigel said it was the best from Shane and one of the best hip hops this season cause he's been disappointed from hip hop this season. Mia also liked it and thought Jason did well. Jason was a Zombie and she was his "mistress". He ends up killing her in the end (!!). Mia complimented Jason saying that she was glad that he was down and into it, and that it was better than his last hip hop.
Brandon performed to "Ain’t nothing wrong with that".
Jeanine used "Let the Drummer Kick".
Evan did his usual Broadway solo and dropped his hat but made a clean recovery.
Ade's solo was a lot like the "window sweeper" one.
Jason was back to his normal style.
Janette did Ballroom-Contemporary fusion for hers and it was very good.
Kayla's solo was more controlled and slower.
Melissa's solo was dumb (?) (according to my source) and freaky styled.
For the record, Tyce has a very close friend who is Stage 3 breast cancer. His contemporary dance was for her and her husband, and it was not to tug at the heartstrings but to do something special for his friend. Ellen's mother is a breast cancer survivor and Tyce didn't know this when he choreographed it.
Random: Mary called Nigel an English Muffin more than once. More random: Mia loves Janette and she is her favorite girl on the show. She told Jason to fix his hunched shoulders (repeat, I agree). Mia also said that she loves Janette because she puts everything into her dancing. Mia really likes Ade as well. After his solo she applauded with much enthusiasm. Ellen was not serious about all of her critiques, but she did not crack a joke after the contemporary by Tyce, she just said that it was wonderful to have witnessed it.
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